



Sexual Assault Services of NWNM empowers survivors by providing healing services and creating a culture focused on prevention through education and systems change.


For all communities to live free of  sexual violence and its effects.


Since 2004, Sexual Assault Services of Northwest Mexico has been helping residents in San Juan, Rio Arriba, and McKinley Counties overcome sexual assault and abuse. We provide Sexual Assault Nurse Exams (SANE – medical/forensic exams), rape crisis advocacy, and therapy services. Our staff also works in the community to prevent sexual assault through one-time and multi-session, education-based programs.

SAS will be will you throughout every step of your recovery process, from a SANE exam to therapy, and advocacy support through the criminal justice system. If you have been a victim of sexual assault, or you want to learn more about how you can assist us with our cause, contact us to speak to one of our staff members.


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